Drum Lessons in School
A Quickbooks invoice will be sent to the email address provided at registration at the beginning of each half term. Please make sure this email address is current and checked regularly as any important information in regards to Drum Lessons will be sent to this address. If payment is not made before Week 2 of the term then your child will not be allowed to take part in any further lessons until the invoice is paid. You will still be expected to pay for missed lessons if the invoice continues to not be paid. Drum Lessons are currently priced at £8.50 per week for 1 (one) x 20 (twenty) minute small group lesson (Primary Schools only) and £10 per week for 1 (one) x 20 (twenty) minute individual lesson (Secondary Schools only) . Where possible these groups will be kept as small numbers but due to demand this isn't always possible. Please note an invoice is issued at the beginning of each half term for the entire half term.
DRUM! - After School Clubs
A quickbooks invoice will be sent to the email address provided at registration at the beginning of each Club period. Please make sure this email address is current and checked regularly as any important information in regards to DRUM! Club will be sent to this address. If payment is not made before Week 2 of the Club Period then your child will not be allowed to take part in any further lessons until the invoice is paid. You will still be expected to pay for missed club sessions if the invoice continues to not be paid. Drum Club is currently priced at £4.00 per week for 1 (one) x 60 (sixty) minute club session. Please note an invoice is issued at the beginning of each club period for the entire club period.