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Why Rockin' Robins?
10+ Years of Industry Experience
5+ Years of Drum Retail Experience
Active Industry Professional in Musical and Technical roles.
Enhanced DBS Certificate
Safeguarding in the Home Certificate
Safeguarding Certificate
Prevent Training Certificate
Prevent Covid-19 Certificate
Introduction to GDPR Certificate
Infection Prevention & Control Certificate
Musicians Union Member
Public Liability Insurance

Rockin' Robins is the brain child of Professional Musician, Ben Tennett. At just 27, Ben has over 10+ years experience of performing and working as a Drum Tech all over the UK and Europe. Tied with his 5+ Years of working in Drum Retail, his craft and knowledge of equipment is expansive and highly reputable.
Ben's connections and relationships range from Producers and fellow Drummers to some of the world's largest drum brands. From teching on stages with the likes of Bob Geldof, Easy Life and The Specials to playing Festivals with Billy Ocean, Catfish and the Bottlemen and Busted. As well as recording in some iconic studios, other achievements also include turning on his hometown's Christmas lights and opening Derby Arena.